Auto Cold Drawing Machine


Auto Cold Drawing Machine

The Automatic Cold Drawing machine is a chain-type machine which has equipped with a loading machine, feeding machine, hydraulic push pointer, and drawbench with discharging arms attached. The HS model series is designed to streamline the cold drawing process by using a hydraulically powered extrusion unit (also known as the push pointer) to clamp the workpiece and push it directly against the drawing die. Brass, mild steel and alloy bars are the most common materials to be used on this machine. The drawn materials are then carried using discharing arms to designated collection racks next to the drawbench.

HOREN's automatic bar-to-bar cold drawing machine was initially developed to draw hexagonal carbon steel bars for screws and nuts with a push pointer. The versatile design of heavy-duty models is later used to draw linear guideways and other symmetrical alloys. From loading to discharing, this entire process is using a PLC system, making it very efficient and ideal for automatic bar to bar drawing. The head-press mechanism replaces the swaging process that is normally required during traditional cold drawing. The fully automated process reduces the need for costly manpower and helps to streamline the precision drawing process. The automation from our HS model series is suitable for the drawing of round, hexagonal, and square metal bars.